
Find what works best

A diverse range of
content from ACT and
CBT therapy alongside

Insights for life

Discover psychological
principles for life to
support you through life’s

Feel less stressed

ACT and CBT therapy
are clinically proven to
reduce stress and
increase happiness

Enhance PSHE

Support your
commitment to pupil
mental welfare

Accessible expertise

Saving teacher time with
a one-stop solution of
supportive resources for

Manage via dashboard

User friendly platform to
manage student access
and impact

Psychological principles for life

Adolescence is tough as we navigate new
experiences. Mindamigo offers lifelong
support with essential insights and
techniques to help students overcome challenges.
Emphasis on positive
mental health for PSHE
to prepare pupils for
the road head
Journal writing along
with the cards provide
opportunity for positive
engagement in class
Help students access
the mental health
support they need
when they need it

What they’ll

What they’ll
leave with…

Cultivate resilience to navigate challenges

Mindamigo equips young individuals with insights and techniques to navigate adversity, fostering confidence and resilience during adolescence.

Psychological principles to empower and engage

Support and nurture through difficult academic periods

Greater pupil resilience and confidence

Improve educational attainment

Improved mental health leads to higher educational
success. Students less burdened by emotional challenges
excel in academics and life’s demands.


Psychological principles for life

Adolescence is tough as we navigate new experiences. Mindamigo offers lifelong support with essential insights and techniques to help students overcome challenges.

Cultivate resilience to navigate challenges

Mindamigo equips young individuals with insights and techniques to navigate adversity, fostering confidence and resilience during adolescence.

Improve educational attainment

Improved mental health leads to higher educational success. Students less burdened by emotional challenges excel in academics and life’s demands.

Your mental health companion

Get in touch or download our brochure