
Find what works best

A diverse range of
content from ACT and
CBT therapy alongside

Access immediate

While waiting for
treatment, you’ll have
Mindamigo by your side

Feel less stressed

ACT and CBT therapy
are clinically proven to
reduce stress and
increase happiness

Reduce relapse

Preventative tool to
address underlying
symptoms and prevent
repeat referrals

Reduce service costs

Reduce the potential
number of sessions with
ACT and CBT expertise
prior to treatment

Manage via dashboard

User friendly platform to
manage student access
and impact

Best-in-class preventative

Mindamigo offers patients holistic approaches with insights and techniques from leading CBT and ACT therapies, fostering independence, resilience, and a better quality of life with reduced relapse risk.

CBT Course…

ACT Course

Improved clinical

Mindamigo aids healthcare organisations with insight into the most effective intervention preparing them for CBT and ACT therapy, saving time and resources.

CBT and ACT based therapy

Improved patient
empowerment and resiliance

Preventative treatment reducing
relapse rates

Intervention when it

Mindamigo offers accessible, immediate intervention for emerging mental health issues, preventing symptom escalation and service strain.

Best-in-class preventative therapy

Mindamigo offers patients holistic approaches with insights and techniques from leading CBT and ACT therapies, fostering independence, resilience, and a better quality of life with reduced relapse risk.

Improved clinical decisons

Mindamigo aids healthcare organisations with insight into the most effective intervention preparing them for CBT and ACT therapy, saving time and resources.

when it counts

Mindamigo offers accessible, immediate intervention for emerging mental health issues, preventing symptom escalation and service strain.

Your mental health companion

Get in touch or download our brochure