Free Resources
Mindamigo Worksheets

Download the following Worksheets for free as a PDF

Daily Mood

ABCD Technique

Optimism Technqiues

Thought Record

Defusion Technique

Activation Technique

Daily Mood

Tracking your mood and
jotting down your feelings
can improve self-awareness,
allowing you to spot
recurring emotional patterns
in response to various

ABCD Technique

The ABCD technique
empowers us to challenge
and reframe negative
beliefs, offering insight into
the triggers behind these
unhelpful thought patterns.


Engaging in daily gratitude
and positivity exercises
trains our minds to reframe
perspectives and find
goodness in everyday
occurrences, fostering a
more optimistic way of

Thought Record

The thought record helps
you spot patterns in your
thoughts and behaviors
that lead to negative
moods, giving you the
power to break these
patterns and improve your
emotional well-being.

Defusion Technique

Start unraveling our
connection with the mind
by perceiving our thoughts
as distinct from our true
self. Practicing defusion
allows us to realise that we
are not our thoughts but a
deeper inner wisdom.

Activation Technique

Cultivate motivation by
making a note of the
before and after to notice
how engaging in
meaningful tasks or
activities improves our

Free Resources Mindamigo Worksheets

Download the following Worksheets for free as a PDF

Daily Mood

Tracking your mood and jotting down your feelings can improve self-awareness, allowing you to spot recurring emotional patterns in response to various situations.

ABCD Technique

The ABCD technique empowers us to challenge and reframe negative beliefs, offering insight into the triggers behind these unhelpful thought patterns.

Optimism Technique

Engaging in daily gratitude and positivity exercises trains our minds to reframe perspectives and find goodness in everyday occurrences, fostering a more optimistic way of thinking.

Thought Record

The thought record helps you spot patterns in your thoughts and behaviors that lead to negative moods, giving you the power to break these patterns and improve your emotional well-being.

Defusion Technique

Start unraveling our connection with the mind by perceiving our thoughts as distinct from our true self. Practicing defusion allows us to realise that we are not our thoughts but a deeper inner wisdom.

Activation Technique

Cultivate motivation by making a note of the before and after to notice how engaging in meaningful tasks or activities improves our mood

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