
Find what works best

A diverse range of
content from ACT and
CBT therapy alongside

Wellbeing dashboard

Keep a track of how
you’re feeling over time
to ensure Mindamigo is
working for you

Feel less stressed

ACT and CBT therapy
are clinically proven to
reduce stress and
increase happiness

Meet staff mental
health needs

Preventative tool to address mental health problems before they become more serious

Improve employee

Happier employees are more resilient and productive

Manage via dashboard

User friendly platform to
manage student access
and impact

A happier and resiliant organisation

Mindamigo offers insights and techniques for greater contentment and resilience. Concepts like acceptance, mindfulness, and self-understanding improve well-being in work.​

Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy

ACT promotes psychological flexibility through acceptance of thoughts and emotions and commitment to meaningful actions. It helps individuals live in alignment with their values and navigate life’s challenges.

Cognitive Behavioural

CBT focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviours to improve mental well-being. It helps individuals develop healthier coping strategies and achieve positive outcomes.

Meditation and
Eastern Wisdom

Mindfulness meditation involves paying deliberate attention to the present moment without judgment, fostering self-awareness and reducing stress. It promotes mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Help your staff get the
help they need

Amid workplace mental health stigma, employees may avoid help or miss symptoms. Mindamigo offers a personal space for self-awareness and effective coping.

Best-in-class therapy tailoured to you

Improved employee empowerment and resiliance

Mindfulness to help calm the mind in stressful situations

Key insights for life in and
out of work

Happier employees are more productive, both at work and in their personal lives. Mindamigo provides universal insights from major therapies for well-being in all aspects of life.

A happier and more resiliant organisation

Mindamigo offers insights and techniques for greater contentment and resilience. Concepts like acceptance, mindfulness, and self-understanding improve well-being in work.

Help your staff get the help they need

Amid workplace mental health stigma, employees may avoid help or miss symptoms. Mindamigo offers a personal space for self-awareness and effective coping.

Key insights for life in and out of work

Happier employees are more productive, both at work and in their personal lives. Mindamigo provides universal insights from major therapies for well-being in all aspects of life.

Your mental health companion

Get in touch or download our brochure