Give Back

Our pledge

Even with growing awareness and greater access to psychological treatment, poor mental health continues to worsen.

We understand the power of holistic mental health globally. To make it accessible, we offer the Mindamigo app for free to select organisations dedicated to improving mental well-being.

The Problem

Poor engagement
and high relapse
with current

Prescriptive, one-size-fits-all approach to mental health neglects individual circumstances

interventions underutilised

Accessibility and
awareness of ACT
based therapy is

The Solution

Studies show ACT is
equally as effective as
CBT in treatment of
anxiety and depression
Holistic approaches to
mental health
demonstrate greater
Holistic approaches to
mental health
positively impact
recovery rates

Reach out

If you’re a local charity working to improve people’s mental wellbeing, we want to hear from you. We can provide free access to Mindamigo to help support those who need it the most. Just reach out via the Contact Us page.

Our Pledge

Even with growing awareness and greater access to psychological treatment, poor mental health continues to worsen.

We understand the power of holistic mental health globally. To make it accessible, we offer the Mindamigo app for free to select organisations dedicated to improving mental well-being.

The problem

Poor engagement
and high relapse with current interventions

Prescriptive, one-size-fits-all approach to mental health neglects individual circumstances

Holistic therapy interventions underutilised

Accessibility and awareness of ACT based therapy is low

The solution

Greater complexity in the world requires greater knowledge, and greater knowledge requires greater wisdom.

Reach out

If you’re a local charity working to improve people’s mental wellbeing, we want to hear from you. We can provide free access to Mindamigo to help support those who need it the most. Just reach out via the Contact Us page.

Your mental health companion

Get in touch or download our brochure